Health Benefits of Using Bee Propolis

For sure, you have already heard or familiar about honey. Also, you might be a fan of royal jelly or…

Candida Yeast and Its Negative Effects On Health

A lot of people are familiar with yeast infections and often associate them with easily known conditions like nail fungus,…

Positive and Negative Sides of Fasting

Every time you need to determine a specific thing as good or bad, you only understand its pros and cons…

Intermitted Fasting and Autophagy

It has been a long time since I wrote and article due to being unable to dedicate some time to…

Lifestyle Factors on Health

Effects of lifestyle factors on health It is important to understand that our everyday life choices such as: diet and…

Land-based Outdoor Activities

Compare and contrast the skills and techniques required for two different land-based outdoor and adventurous activities. Rock Climbing and Overnight Expeditions…

Management Functions and Skills in Businesses

Management Functions and Skills in Businesses, responsibilities and development. The nature of management is to monitor  and coordinate people to achieve…

Discipline Applications in Life

Discipline? What is that? Discipline can fall in different contexts as to disciplinary actions and procedures for people that misbehave,…

Mainstream Media Manipulation and its Effects

Impact that media reporting has on citizens Mainstream media is one of the most influential tools to society and this is…

Statutory and non-statutory Public Services

What statutory and non-statutory services are, how they differ and what support they provide to public.  Actual examples of services…