Daily Lesson: The Value Of Persistence

I’ve noticed that life’s trials almost never tell us “you are being tested, and if you hold on for 6…

Going The Extra Mile

The Creator has given us the power to create the experience by means of our imagination, which we are to…

Dangerous Habits That Are Harming Your Brain

“The Devil is in details”, details that most often remain unknown to the majority of the global population. Some details…

The Importance And Power Of The Attitude

Attitudes shape our lives and determine whether we are going to win at life, or lose. Being aware of this is…

10 Attributes You Should Develop To Become a Leader

Nobody was born a leader, but some were destined to lead. At first, all leaders have been intelligent followers who were…

Iodine and Health Benefits

Iodine is a naturally occurring chemical element that is common in various types of food, though largely in seafood that…

The Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds 

Now that you know the whole truth about consuming hemp products, you might be thinking of what health benefits these…

The Amazing Perks of Coconut Oil

For many years coconut oil has been a significant part of the Pacific Islander’s diet. Coconut milk is the main…

Bay Leaves: Discover Its Hidden Medicinal Benefits

If you are trying to look for useful items that can improve your health and are available in your kitchen,…

Negative Effects of Glyphosate

Known as the primary ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate is an herbicide. Designed to kill grasses or broadleaf plants, it can…