The Importance Of Iodine

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to share with you a few words on iodine, an essential trace mineral belonging to the Halogen atomic group, together with chlorine, fluorine, and astatine. I was fortunate to discover the importance thereof while searching for a cause and solution to my chronic fatigue and brain fog, which I’ve dealt with for over a year. My health condition was so poor I struggled with writing a simple text message. Being awake for more than two hours at a time was nearly impossible.

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What Is Iodine Used For?

According to Dr. Ken Berry, every cell and every gland in the human body concentrates iodine to some degree. Approximately 30% is stored in the thyroid, and 70% in salivary glands, stomach lining, eyes, inner ear, substantia nigra, arteries, brain, and cerebral spinal fluid. Iodine is vital for female reproductive organs. There are numerous receptors for iodine in breast tissue, the ovary tissue, and the cervix.

Iodine has anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parasite, and anti-mucus properties, making it an essential component of the human immune system. It enhances the dendritic cells (a link of communication between the innate and adaptive immune systems), the B-cell development, natural-killer cells, cytokines, and overall memory of the cells.

Iodine is stored in the thyroid gland and used to produce thyroid hormones, regulate the energy in the body, and convert the inactive T4 to active T3. Without adequate quantities of iodine, the thyroid cannot function properly, resulting in goiter (swollen thyroid gland), slow metabolism, weight gain, hair loss, slow production of skin cells, high cholesterol, depression, chronic fatigue, brain fog, cold feet, cold hands, and so forth.

The human self-regeneratory mechanism uses iodine to detoxify itself of heavy metals and chemicals (such as mercury, lead, arsenic, dioxin, fluoride, bromine, and chlorine), which sometimes triggers allergic reactions and nausea. The irritation eventually goes away (within a week in most cases). To avoid it, micro-dosing is advised. I had such a reaction. Fortunately, it went away overnight.

The human body utilizes iodine to convert estradiol to estriol and regulate excess estrogen, a condition linked to ovarian, cervix, and breast cancer in women. Ladies suffering from heavy periods should do a blood test because that’s the usual indicator of a chronic iodine deficiency.

Iodine can be deployed as a repercussion against cysts, especially cystic acne, ovarian cysts, cervical cysts, and fibrocystic breast tissue. According to Mr. Eric Berg (DC), iodine removes scar tissue, skin tags, and warts.

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Common Symptoms And Consequences Of Deficiency

There are many ways to the top of the mountain. Iodine deficiency usually comes as a result of various dietary mistakes.

When deficient, the human body seeks a replacement from the same Halogen atomic group. Any substitution leads to the deterioration of the health condition of an individual. Here are two examples:

a) millions of people consume tap water and use toothpaste highly saturated with chlorine and fluorine

b) commercial bakeries use bromine to stiffen the dough. Bromine is also found in mass-produced seed oils and energy drinks

Mentioned elements interfere with iodine receptors, causing iodine deficiency and preventing the optimal function of the thyroid gland. If not realized and stopped on time, the saturation of the human organism with bromine, fluorine, and chlorine may lead to life-threatening health issues, including cell death and glandular tumors.

Globally, nearly two billion people suffer from iodine deficiency. If not treated on time, iodine deficiency may cause a hypothyroid condition. Symptoms are diverse and include cold intolerance, cold hands, cold feet, hair loss, dry skin, slow metabolism, weight gain, high cholesterol, sight loss, lowering of the IQ by up to 20 points, diminishing of cognitive functions, inability to focus and learn, depression, chronic fatigue, feminization, goiter (swollen thyroid gland), loss of hearing, impaired immune system, and infertility.

If the mother is deficient in iodine during pregnancy, the baby will not fully develop. Usually, that condition results in infants being born with underdeveloped brains, lower IQ, and hearing issues due to an undeveloped auditory center and thalamus.

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Best Sources Of Iodine & Common Causes Of Iodine Deficiency

People living far away from the seashores usually have iodine-lacking diets, mainly because they aren’t used to consuming fish, which is hands down the best source of iodine. In case of emergency, sea-kelp is the way to go. The pasture-raised eggs and organically grown nuts (especially cashews and hazelnuts) are not a bad choice either. I added iodized Himalayan salt to my menu and it made a big difference! However, in the case of iodine, one must also know what we are best off without. Iodine deficiency is often caused by:

  • soy products, including soy oil, soy-fed beef, and chicken
  • canola products (including oil)
  • corn products (including oil)
  • cassava
  • rice
  • peanuts
  • cruciferous vegetables (only if consumed in abnormal amounts)

I’ve already stated that tap water is a big no-no. You may say, “Alright, I’m not drinking tap water.” Well, are you using it to maintain hygiene? The skin breathes and “inhales” chemicals from the water. Investing in a filter is a health-saving decision! Two other common culprits behind iodine deficiency are tobacco and birth control pills. Relatively often, iodine deficiency may be a result of selenium deficiency, as well.

The recommended daily intake of iodine is 150 micrograms. To accommodate increased iodine needs during pregnancy and lactation, the iodine RDA is 220 mcg/day for pregnant women and 290 mcg/day for lactating women.

Dr. Ken Berry says the recommended daily intake of 150 micrograms of iodine is enough to satisfy the needs of a thyroid gland, but not enough to cover the needs of the thyroid and all other glands (and cells) that concentrate iodine. For instance, Japanese people consume a lot of fish and intake over 15 000 micrograms of iodine daily.

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It is too early to make any profound conclusions because many things are yet to be discovered and understood about this trace mineral. We have barely grasped the basics. For instance, scientists have recently discovered the ability of sea kelp (one of the best sources of iodine) to restore the cells of the cardiovascular system. Based on my experience, iodine is a factor that plays a determining role in our lives.

Food for thought: testosterone levels are plummeting globally (remember: without sufficient iodine, the human body cannot regulate estrogen). Could iodine deficiency result in the phenomenon of feminization of men?

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1 year ago

Quality article!