Positive and Negative Sides of Fasting

Every time you need to determine a specific thing as good or bad, you only understand its pros and cons and decide which of the two outweighs the other. Intermittent fasting refers to deciding when to eat and when to refrain from eating. You see, it doesn’t deal with what type of food you consume. Like the majority of things, intermittent fasting has its positive points and its not-so-good points.

The Good Side of Fasting

  • It promotes weight loss

Did you know that weight loss is one of the great benefits of intermittent fasting? That’s because if you fast, the body is forced to employ the stored fats for getting energy. Fasting also boosts the catecholamines that help in giving some energy while burning fat in your body throughout fasting.

  • It lowers cholesterol

Another positive effect of fasting is the decrease of cholesterol in your blood. That leads to the enhancement of cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, or heart disease. That lower cholesterol level could be sustained through following a healthy diet after the fast is done.

  • Lower appetite

Fasting is also a good option compared to fad diets where you only end up earning back all the weight you lost. Fasting is an excellent alternative to get into the practice of healthy eating. When your fast is done, your appetite is less than before. Thus, you are less likely to spoil in overeating.

Fasting is also a good option compared to fad diets where you only end up earning back all the weight you lost. Fasting is an excellent alternative to get into the practice of healthy eating. When your fast is done, your appetite is less than before. Thus, you are less likely to spoil in overeating.

Other benefits that fasting can bring you:

  • Fasting gives digestive system a rest
  • Can help to get rid of addictions
  • Promotes detoxification
  • Reduces high blood pressure

The Not-So-Good Side of Fasting

  • It can lower the immune system

In case you didn’t know yet, autophagy can lower the immune system. It’s true that it can boost your ability to combat some infections; however, it may also leave you prone to others. Several microbes can employ autophagy for duplication.

  • Increased hunger

To sum up, excessive fasting is strictly not recommended. Fasting for two days is considered safe. It’s recommended that you consume enough amounts of fruits, juices, and water so that your body does not fall deficient of any vitamin or mineral. If you are considering for a fasting to lose some weight, then it’s suggested that you call a physician. That will lessen the risk of getting affected by the impacts of fasting.

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