Effects of Exercise on Skeletal System

Effects of exercise on skeletal system has both long term and short term effects . E.g. long term effect can be increased range of motion in joints by increasing the production of synovial liquid witch lubricates joints and protects them from wear.   Another example of long term effect would be increased bone density, because of stress that is given to bones during exercise, so bones rebuild themselves to be stronger and better prepared for next time exercise.   And also stronger bone ligament which holds bone joints in place and doesn’t let them to go other side.

It’s important to exercise in order to have strong and healthy skeletal system. It will help you to feel well and strong. Skeletal system is important part of fitness, because if you don’t have strong skeletal system, your bones may easily break from simple fall or you can develop a disease. If you have strong skeletal system you will have greater chance to avoid injury and if you get injured, bones will fix the injury way faster than unhealthy and weak skeletal system.

Short term effects of exercise on skeletal system

On skeletal system would be increased amount of synovial liquid, to keep joints healthy, stop cartilage from drying out and keep cartilage lubricated and nourished, the joints produce an oil-like substance. Synovial fluid production increases the range of movement available at the joints in the short term.
According to “Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Ninth Edition” by Sandra R. Grabowski and Gerald J. Tortora, exercise increases the range of movement available at the joints as more lubricating synovial fluid is released into them. Mobility exercises such as arm circles and knee bends keep joints supple by ensuring a steady supply of synovial fluid.

Long term effects of exercise on skeletal system

On the skeletal system would be increased bone density, size and weight of bones. They become stronger and flexible. More resistant to injuries and faster recovery after injury. Increased bone density can prevent a condition called osteoporosis, which is the weakening of bone and an increased likelihood of suffering fractures. Osteoporosis is more common in older females but can affect either sex at any age. And also the bones are held together with non-elastic avascular strap or cord-like structures called ligaments. Without ligaments, the joints would be very unstable and would probably bend the wrong way. When exercising for long periods of time, ligaments become stronger and more resistant to injury.

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